The WASA project |
Samples explained |
All samples may be run with the runsamples.bat or script, at the root of the WASA distribution. They can be launched independantly as well. N-queensThis puzzle consists in placing N queens on a N x N chessboard
so that no two See implementation in fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.samples.queens. The NaiveQueens class gives a "naive" implementation, on which the Cookstour is based. The NQueens class gives a more "real-world like" implementation, with optimized constraints and explorer. Magic squareThe magic square puzzle consists in placing on a N x N square
all the numbers See implementation in fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.samples.square. The Progressive Party Problem (PPP)
There is an evening party in the context of a yachting rally. Certain boats are selected to be hosts, and the crews of the remaining boats in turn visit the host boats for several successive half-hour periods. The crew of a host boat remains on board to to act as hosts while the crew of a guest boat together visits several hosts. Every boat can only host a limiter number of guests at a time and crew sizes are different. There are six time periods. A guest boat cannot revisit a host and guest crews cannot meet more than once. Certain boats are constrained to be hosts, and selecting the hosts among the remaining boats is stated as a part of the problem. See implementation in |