Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core

The core of the WASA framework, containing the Adaptative Search Algorithm implementation.


Interface Summary
ICustomizer Define the behaviour of the customizable part of the Algorithm.
ICustomizer.ICustomizerEditor Defines a visual editor for letting the user parametrize an ICustomizer instance.
IEngineParameters Describes a set of parameters for configuring an Engine.

Class Summary
Algorithm The heart of the WASA framework, containing the Adaptative Search Algorithm implementation.
AlgorithmState Enumerates all states of an Algorithm.
Configuration Stores a list of value objects taken out of a Var array.
Constraint Base class for implementing Constraints.
DefaultCustomizer Default (and trivial) implementation of a customizer.
DefaultCustomizer.NullEditor Defines a visual editor for letting the user parametrize a DefaultCustomizer instance.
Engine Use this class to apply the Adaptative Search Algorithm to a Problem.
ErrorMixer Customizable strategy for comparating two sets of scores issued from Constraint's calculations.
ErrorTable Used internally by Algorithm for associating errors (as float[]) with variables.
Evaluation Evaluation of a given Configuration.
Explorer Defines how to explore the neighbourhood of Buisness Objects state.
Problem Represents a Problem, as a set of Vars, Constraints, etc.
ProblemItem The base class for Problem-owned objects.
RandomConfigurator The base class for a Configurator which assigns random values to Buisness Objects states.
TabuList Internally used by Engine for storing Vars marked 'Tabu'.
Var Opens access to a particular Buisness Object value.

Exception Summary
EngineException Thrown when the Engine encounters some kind of problem.
EngineStateException Thrown when the Engine is asked to perform an operation which is illegal regarding to its current state.
GuardExceededException Thrown when Engine could not find a Solution after a certain number of steps.
NoConstraintAppliedException Thrown when all evaluated Constraints did not set any error, and the Engine has its AllowNoConstraintApplied property set to false.
ProblemDefinitionException Thrown when the Problem detects it was not correctly defined.
ProblemMismatchException Thrown when some ProblemItems should refer to the same Problem and they don't.
ProblemStateException Exception raised when a Problem instance is not in the expected initialization state.

Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core Description

The core of the WASA framework, containing the Adaptative Search Algorithm implementation.