Problem given in CSP form
- a set of variables V = {V1, V2,..., Vn}
with associated domains of values
- a set of constraints C = {C1, C2,
..., Ck} with associated error functions
- a combination function to project constraint errors on variables
- a (positive) cost function to minimize
a sequence of moves (modification of the value of one of the variables)
that will lead to a solution of the CSP (configuration where all
constraints are satisfied) if the CSP is satisfied or to a partial
solution of minimal cost otherwise.
Start from a random assignment of variables in V
- Compute errors of all constraints in C and combine errors
on each variable by considering for a given variable only the
constraints on which it appears
- select the variable X (not marked as Tabu) with highest error
and evaluate costs of possible moves from X
- if no improving move exists
then mark X tabu for a given number of iterations
else select the best move (min - conflict) and change the
value of X accordingly
until a solution is found or a maximal number of iterations
is reached