WASA Cookstour
Packages overview
Core classes
Buisness Objects and side effect
Design Patterns
These are the WASA core classes (package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core)
the programmer should know about :

- Problem
holds all what defines a Problem,
- Var
allows mapping of Buisness Object states,
- Explorer
finds a Neighbourhood, (n the Adaptative Algorithm sense),
- Constraint
defines a Constraint ("how good" a Var is),
- ErrorMixer
allows to customize Constraints evaluations,
- RandomConfigurator
defines how to "shake" Buisness Object states,
- Engine
provides many useful properties and methods for running the Algorithm,
- Algorithm
is the (generic) implementation of the Adaptative Search Algorithm,
- ICustomizer
allows to customize the stochastic behavior of Algorithm.
Classes in bold are those which must be subclassed in order to define
the minimum problem.