Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core.junit

Test cases using JUnit.


Class Summary
ConfigurationTest Tests of the Configuration's behavior.
CoreTest Test running all tests for the fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core package.
DateBean A Bean with a property of a mutable type.
DateBeanVar A Var mapping the DateValue property of a DateBean.
DeterministicIntegerExplorer An Explorer setting a Var's value to a known int value.
DeterministicRandom Instrumented random for the tests.
DeterministicRandomTest Automated test for DeterministicRandom
DummyConstraint A Constraint which does nothing.
DummyExplorer An Explorer which does nothing.
ErrorTableTest Tests for the ErrorTable.
ExplorationWithTabuTest Tests for the Engine, checking if Tabu List is taken in account.
ImmutablePropertyTypesBean A Bean with properties of immutable types, as declared in VarFactory.
InconsistencyDetectionTest Tests for Engine's detection of incorrect states or inconsistencies.
IntBean A JavaBean holding an int value.
RandomTest Test if java.util.Random gives the same sequences of int in order to instrument tests.
SimpleExplorationTest Tests for the Engine.
TabuListTest Tests for the TabuList.
XYBean A JavaBean holding x and y int value.

Exception Summary
BadRandomInvocationException Thrown when DeterministicRandom fails to find an element of the type asked for.

Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.core.junit Description

Test cases using JUnit.