Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.monitor.gui.detail

Panels for the detail view.


Class Summary
ConfigurationDetailPanel Presents ConfigurationNode informations.
ConfigurationSummaryPanel Summary part of a ConfigurationDetailPanel.
ConfigurationVarsPanel Vars part of a ConfigurationDetailPanel.
DetailPanelContainer Base class for a panel holding detail views.
DetailPanelPart Base class for information detail shown inside a DetailPanelContainer.
DetailPanelTest1 Used for design-time tests only.
EmptyDetailPanel Shown when nothing selected.
EngineCustomizationPanel Parameters part of an EngineDetailPanel.
EngineDetailPanel Presents EngineNode informations.
EngineRunsPanel Runs part of an EngineDetailPanel.
EngineSummaryPanel Summary part of an EngineDetailPanel.
ProblemDetailPanel Detail of a Problem.
ProblemEnginesPanel Engines part of a ProblemDetailPanel.
ProblemSolutionPanel Solution part of a ProblemDetailPanel.
ProblemSummaryPanel Summary part of a ProblemDetailPanel.
RunDetailPanel Presents RunNode informations.
RunSortedConfigurationsPanel Sorted configurations part of a RunDetailPanel.
RunSummaryPanel Summary part of a RunDetailPanel.
StepDetailPanel Presents StepNode informations.
StepSummaryPanel Summary part of a StepDetailPanel.
StepTabuListPanel Tabu list part of a StepDetailPanel.

Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.monitor.gui.detail Description

Panels for the detail view.