Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.monitor.model

Structure of a WASA report.


Interface Summary
IEngineNodeParameters EngineNode-specific parameters.
IExecutableNode Defines the behavior of a TreeNode which supports a Step operation.
IStatistics The interface to implement to deliver informations about a StepNode.

Class Summary
ConfigurationNode Represents a Configuration.
ConstraintNode Represents a Constraint.
EngineNode Represents an Engine with its differents Runs.
Node Base class for *Node.
ProblemNode Represents a Problem, owning EngineNodes.
RunNode Represents a Run, as a list of StepNodes.
StepNode Represents a Step.
TabuNode Represents an entry of the Tabu List.
VarNode Represents a Var.

Exception Summary
NoRegisteredNodeException Thrown when a node Id was not found.

Package fr.jussieu.gla.wasa.monitor.model Description

Structure of a WASA report.