
The Progressive Party Problem: PPP.


Class Summary
Boat Component of the Progressive Party problem representing a boat.
CapacityConstraint Expresses that a Boat cannot host more than its spare capacity.
DefaultFleet Default Fleet, with its 42 very famous boats.
DefaultFleetHostChoiceInputPanel InputPanel to choose the host boats of a Fleet.
Fleet Holds a collection of Fleet.MyBoats.
Fleet.MyBoat Extends a Boat for the needs of the party.
MeetingOnlyOnceConstraint Expresses that a Crew should meet another Crew only once.
PPPRandomConfigurator The ProgressivePartyProblem random configurator.
ProgressivePartyProblem The main class for the Progressive Party problem.
ProgressivePartySample The Progressive Party sample.
Schedule Holds the current assignations of boats.
ScheduleExplorer Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company:
ScheduleVar A WASA Var which maps a Schedule grid cell.

Package Description

The Progressive Party Problem: PPP.